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What are the dangers of picking paste?

Pickling paste is known to be used for the cleaning of stainless steel weld heat tint discoloration. It is a very toxic substance and can cause many negative side effects to the health of anyone who uses it. Whomever is assigned to this task has to also suit up in a full body cover because of all of the dangers associated with this process. They also need to have the proper training to be able to do this process. Pickling paste is known to cause serious injuries when exposed to the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract. Because pickling paste contains a combination of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid it can cause serious burns. In addition to burns pickling paste can also damage the lungs. It has the potential to cause poisoning if you inhale a good amount of vapor which is released by the material. The process of using pickling paste also causes a hazardous waste from the water and used pickling solutions.

Capital Weld Cleaners has created a MUCH SAFER ALTERNATIVE to the way you clean your stainless steel welds. Our weld cleaning machines not only create a healthy and safe process to get your cleaning jobs done, but also cut down the labor time immensely. They not only clean the stainless steel but the also passivate at the same time. We have designed our machines to provide a safe working environment for anyone that has the task of cleaning stainless steel welds. When you use pickling paste to clean stainless steel there is the possibility that you will not passivate the steel. This could be because the person who applied the pickling paste did not evenly apply it which would result in non-passivation of the stainless steel. Our machines guarantee PASSIVATION of your stainless steel and our process is simple. With pickling paste you are required to have extensive training but with our weld cleaning machines our process is simple and doesn’t require any type of heavy training.

If you are interested in learning more about our WELD CLEANING MACHINES as an alternative to pickling paste gives us a call or email us at [email protected]– we can answer any questions you may have.